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Why the US media struggles to cover Trump

The challenge of objectivity in covering a controversial president

The American media faces a significant challenge in how to cover Donald Trump, a president known for his unorthodox style, unpredictable behavior, and tendency to make sweeping claims, threats, and falsehoods. Despite efforts over the years, the media has struggled to strike a balance between maintaining objectivity and addressing the unusual nature of his presidency.

Since Trump first entered the political spotlight in 2015 by descending the escalator at Trump Tower in New York, journalists have been grappling with how to approach his unorthodox methods and rhetoric. The media has tried to apply traditional political reporting standards, but Trump’s disregard for these norms has led to difficulties in offering straightforward coverage without being seen as either overly adversarial or too deferential.

His presidency has raised questions about the media’s role in holding leaders accountable while also adhering to journalistic ethics. Trump’s frequent use of hyperbole, exaggeration, and personal attacks has made it difficult for reporters to maintain the necessary distance and impartiality. The question remains: can the media continue to offer fair and accurate coverage without succumbing to biases in either direction?

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