Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong highlights the importance of investing in effective governance and policy continuity.
Historical Foundations
Singapore’s journey to success was forged through struggles against colonialism, communism, and communalism. Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong emphasized how these challenges shaped the nation’s founding ideals of independence, democracy, multiracialism, and meritocracy.
Unique Circumstances
At the Edwin L. Godkin Lecture at Harvard Kennedy School, SM Lee highlighted the “complicated and unnatural” circumstances of Singapore’s birth, noting that its trajectory was highly dependent on historical context. He acknowledged the role of happenstance, such as the opposition’s withdrawal from Parliament in the 1960s, which solidified the People’s Action Party’s dominance.
Investing in What Works
SM Lee stressed the importance of focusing resources on proven strategies rather than diversifying efforts as a form of insurance. He pointed out that effective governance, quality public services, and economic growth have been central to Singapore’s stability and success.
Governance and Public Trust
Singapore’s government, according to SM Lee, benefits from a reservoir of public trust built over decades of effective leadership. This trust allows for long-term planning and politically challenging decisions, such as tax increases to fund healthcare and stringent pandemic measures during COVID-19.
Lessons for Others
While Singapore’s experience offers valuable lessons, SM Lee cautioned that replicating its model elsewhere may not guarantee the same outcomes due to unique historical and political factors.