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Singaporean Men, Pee However You Want. But Please Wash Your Hands

The Importance of Hygiene After Using the Bathroom: A Call to Action for Men in Singapore

Earlier this year, an international survey on male urination habits revealed some interesting findings, including the fact that Singaporean men are far more likely to stand while urinating compared to their German counterparts, where 40% of men sit down every time. In Singapore, however, only 5% of men prefer sitting, and 33% avoid it altogether. This sparked lively discussions on forums like Reddit Singapore, with both Team Standing and Team Sitting passionately defending their preferences.

The debate is, however, not just about sitting versus standing, but also about a far more pressing hygiene issue: the disturbing fact that many men in Singapore do not wash their hands after urinating. Yes, you read that correctly—some men skip this crucial step of basic hygiene. A poll conducted on the Telegram channel Paiseh Questions found that a majority of women wash their hands after using the restroom, while a significant number of men do not.

Why is this a big deal? Some men seem to believe that since they don’t physically touch urine with their hands, there is no need to wash them afterward. One person even rationalized that their penis is “cleaner than most mobile phones,” and that handwashing was unnecessary. However, medical experts argue that public restrooms are breeding grounds for harmful bacteria like E. coli, Streptococcus, and hepatitis, all of which can lead to serious health issues. Simply washing hands for an additional 20 seconds can help prevent the spread of these bacteria.

Furthermore, it’s not just about hygiene; it’s also about basic respect for others. Nobody wants to unknowingly come into contact with germs from someone else’s sweat or bodily fluids. In a hot, humid climate like Singapore, the stakes are even higher.

So, to all the men out there—whether you choose to stand, sit, or do a backflip, please remember the importance of washing your hands afterward. It’s a small step that can make a big difference in maintaining public health and personal hygiene.

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