Political Merchandise Surges in Popularity Following Trump’s Near-Death Experience
At the 2024 Republican National Convention, merchandise supporting Donald Trump gained extra attention, especially after the former president survived an assassination attempt days earlier. Among the vast array of items available, one particular T-shirt stood out, featuring a bloodied but defiant Trump raising his fist after narrowly escaping death. The shirt, which reads “Maga movement can’t be stopped” or “Fearless,” was being sold at the convention despite not being part of the official Trump campaign merchandise.
The T-shirt is emblematic of the wave of political memorabilia that often emerges during American conventions and campaign events. Items on sale ranged from Trump Bibles and MAGA hats in various colors to “Never surrender!” shirts featuring Trump’s mugshot, a reminder of his ongoing legal battles. The T-shirt in question has resonated with some attendees, like California delegate Colleen Johns, who found the image of Trump’s strength and resilience inspirational.
Merchandise vendors, such as Brad Neuser who designed the “Fearless” shirts, capitalized on the moment, noting that the image of Trump after the assassination attempt had become iconic. Despite some criticisms about the tone of the merchandise, especially in the wake of the shooting, delegates at the convention largely embraced it as a symbol of Trump’s defiance and power.
In addition to the Trump-focused merchandise, other unique items have also been popular. A $45 book titled Collected Poems Of Donald J. Trump, which creatively arranges Trump’s tweets into poetic form, has seen impressive sales. Other items for sale included a $1,000 signed guitar and a controversial AR-15 rifle giveaway contest by the US Concealed Carry Association.
While the offerings at the convention represent a wide array of political memorabilia, the spotlight remains on the T-shirts and other items capitalizing on Trump’s recent brush with death, fueling a sense of political resilience among his supporters.