Melissa Tan Joins East Coast GRC MP Cheryl Chan in Celebrating PAP’s Milestone
On November 17, 2024, Bedok 85 Market buzzed with excitement as East Coast GRC Member of Parliament (MP) Cheryl Chan and her volunteers distributed People’s Action Party (PAP) teddy bears to residents. The bears, adorned in white PAP T-shirts, were part of the celebrations marking the PAP’s 70th anniversary. The event also featured a notable newcomer, Melissa Tan, CEO of Wah & Hua, who has recently joined the Fengshan team’s volunteer activities.
Tan, who has been a long-time PAP volunteer for over 20 years, shared that she had been visiting different areas to observe how various teams organize their events. Despite her long-standing involvement with the party, this was her first time participating in activities in the Fengshan area. Tan has been a prominent figure in the local business community and currently leads the waste management firm Wah & Hua, which she took over in 2000.
The event at Bedok 85 Market saw residents lining up for one of the 1,200 teddy bears being handed out, and the excitement was palpable, with some queuing up for over an hour. In addition to the teddy bears, local drink stalls and coffee shops participated in the event, offering hot beverages in PAP-branded mugs.
Cheryl Chan, who is also the MP for Fengshan, emphasized that the event was a way to celebrate the PAP’s 70th anniversary and engage the community. The response was positive, with a diverse group of residents, including children, grandparents, and working adults, showing up to participate.
While some, like 81-year-old Madam Phoon, made sure to complete their errands early so they could join the queue, the event brought a sense of unity and excitement to the community. As the PAP prepares for its 70th anniversary on November 21, the teddy bear giveaway served as a heartfelt gesture of connection with residents.